+44 (0) 118 979 4269
Succession & Exit Route Planning
Have you considered what happens when you are no longer around to run your business? Do you want to pass it to the next generation? Do you want to sell your business and retire on the proceeds?
Our most far-sighted clients have exit strategies for their businesses to avoid simply closing the door when they decide that it is time to retire. This forward-thinking approach lets them maximise all the hard work they have invested over the years and looks after the people – family and staff – who have helped them on the journey.
We can help you to consider the various options and calculate the tax implications. Our services to business owners include:
Providing guidance to owners on the potential sale of businesses to third parties or facilitating management buy outs
Explaining formal and informal liquidation procedures
Discussing the impact on entrepreneurs’ relief, and disincorporation

Advice to go with the numbers. . .
How can we help you?










Address: 8f Millars Brook, Molly Millars Lane, Wokingham, RG41 2AD Registered Office: 11 Eastheath Avenue, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG41 2PP
Limited Liability Partnership Registered in England and Wales Registered No. OC 326844

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