+44 (0) 118 979 4269
Community Leadership
In 2016, Graeme Hobbs launched Wokingham Positive Difference; a networking ‘gold group’ in the Business Biscotti family. The objective of the group was to help develop the amazing potential which exists in the town and the borough of Wokingham. The group encourages attendees from across the community, not just from business but also from government (local and national) and the community sector, to attend and get involved.
Members attend a monthly networking breakfast to hear topical speakers from across the spectrum, network and do business. The range of activities is constantly expanding, with seminars, workshops and other events and the involvement and support of our local newspaper and its editor, Phil Creighton, all helps to make a real ‘difference’ to Wokingham.
Wokingham Positive Difference is a programme we believe in because we think that doing good business is about thinking and acting locally with people you have met and with whom you have a good rapport.
The group meet the third Friday in every month in Wokingham. For further information contact http://www.wokinghampositivedifference.co.uk
Community Leadership

Wokingham Positive Difference


Address: 8f Millars Brook, Molly Millars Lane, Wokingham, RG41 2AD Registered Office: 11 Eastheath Avenue, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG41 2PP
Limited Liability Partnership Registered in England and Wales Registered No. OC 326844

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